Traveller Whiskey - 90Pf - 750 ml
A gentle and inviting nose of pears and brown sugar with vanilla cream and caramel underneath followed by toffee and cinnamon sticks with a touch of sweet oak. Notably creamy on the palate with waves of sweet vanilla frosting, caramel cream, red cherries, baked pears and toffee before a slow emergence of cinnamon candies. The finish is rich and pleasant with fruit and spice fading slowly together buttressed by toasted oak, coconut and juicy cherry notes.
A gentle and inviting nose of pears and brown sugar with vanilla cream and caramel underneath followed by toffee and cinnamon sticks with a touch of sweet oak. Notably creamy on the palate with waves of sweet vanilla frosting, caramel cream, red cherries, baked pears and toffee before a slow emergence of cinnamon candies. The finish is rich and pleasant with fruit and spice fading slowly together buttressed by toasted oak, coconut and juicy cherry notes.
A gentle and inviting nose of pears and brown sugar with vanilla cream and caramel underneath followed by toffee and cinnamon sticks with a touch of sweet oak. Notably creamy on the palate with waves of sweet vanilla frosting, caramel cream, red cherries, baked pears and toffee before a slow emergence of cinnamon candies. The finish is rich and pleasant with fruit and spice fading slowly together buttressed by toasted oak, coconut and juicy cherry notes.