Santa Teresa 1796 Solera Rum 80Pf - 750 ml
Santa Teresa 1796 results from a careful blend of their finest aged spirits that is further aged in a style borrowed from the Spanish sherry producers. It is the first premium añejo rum in the world to be aged in the Solera method, which is unique to the entire rum world.
Santa Teresa 1796 results from a careful blend of their finest aged spirits that is further aged in a style borrowed from the Spanish sherry producers. It is the first premium añejo rum in the world to be aged in the Solera method, which is unique to the entire rum world.
Santa Teresa 1796 results from a careful blend of their finest aged spirits that is further aged in a style borrowed from the Spanish sherry producers. It is the first premium añejo rum in the world to be aged in the Solera method, which is unique to the entire rum world.