Kuleana Hawaiian Agricole Rum - 750 ml
This Hawaiian Rum Agricole is distilled locally from the fresh pressed juice of Kô (heirloom Hawaiian sugar cane) grown and harvested on our farm in Kohala. The origins of our kô strands trace back to the first "canoe plants" brought to Hwai'i 1,00 years ago by the original Polynesian Wayfinders, who learned to see, feel and work with their environment to navigate and settle the vast Pacific Ocean. These noble canes give our Hawaiian Rum Agricole its elegant, floral flavor. A very small percentage of the World's rums are made from fresh cane juice, and this is the only one from the Island of Hawaii. Hawaiian Rum Agricole is perfect to elevate your favorite cocktail. Or try it quietly, with a splash of fresh cane juice and squeeze of Tahitian lime.
This Hawaiian Rum Agricole is distilled locally from the fresh pressed juice of Kô (heirloom Hawaiian sugar cane) grown and harvested on our farm in Kohala. The origins of our kô strands trace back to the first "canoe plants" brought to Hwai'i 1,00 years ago by the original Polynesian Wayfinders, who learned to see, feel and work with their environment to navigate and settle the vast Pacific Ocean. These noble canes give our Hawaiian Rum Agricole its elegant, floral flavor. A very small percentage of the World's rums are made from fresh cane juice, and this is the only one from the Island of Hawaii. Hawaiian Rum Agricole is perfect to elevate your favorite cocktail. Or try it quietly, with a splash of fresh cane juice and squeeze of Tahitian lime.
This Hawaiian Rum Agricole is distilled locally from the fresh pressed juice of Kô (heirloom Hawaiian sugar cane) grown and harvested on our farm in Kohala. The origins of our kô strands trace back to the first "canoe plants" brought to Hwai'i 1,00 years ago by the original Polynesian Wayfinders, who learned to see, feel and work with their environment to navigate and settle the vast Pacific Ocean. These noble canes give our Hawaiian Rum Agricole its elegant, floral flavor. A very small percentage of the World's rums are made from fresh cane juice, and this is the only one from the Island of Hawaii. Hawaiian Rum Agricole is perfect to elevate your favorite cocktail. Or try it quietly, with a splash of fresh cane juice and squeeze of Tahitian lime.