Tanteo Jalapeno Tequila - 750 ml
Our jalapeño tequila is an ultra premium 100% Blue Weber Agave Blanco Tequila infused with locally sourced, fresh jalapeños. Tanteo Jalapeño Tequila is a delicious blend with the perfect amount of heat, designed for the perfect Jalapeño Margaritas and great for whenever you want to spice up your cocktail.
Our jalapeño tequila is an ultra premium 100% Blue Weber Agave Blanco Tequila infused with locally sourced, fresh jalapeños. Tanteo Jalapeño Tequila is a delicious blend with the perfect amount of heat, designed for the perfect Jalapeño Margaritas and great for whenever you want to spice up your cocktail.
Our jalapeño tequila is an ultra premium 100% Blue Weber Agave Blanco Tequila infused with locally sourced, fresh jalapeños. Tanteo Jalapeño Tequila is a delicious blend with the perfect amount of heat, designed for the perfect Jalapeño Margaritas and great for whenever you want to spice up your cocktail.